Monday, January 15, 2007

A Great Response!

Ye'll have to excuse the silence over the last few days but Tommy and myself have been busy looking at all the stuff ye have sent in auditioning for the stripping gig in Pa Brophys. Fair play to ye girls, there were some saying ye wouldn't be up for it. Tommy and meself are both suffering from eyestrain at the moment and a trip to the optician will have to be on the cards before long. We have decided not to adjudicate on the pictures ye lads are sending in. We're sending them to Georgie over in Garrymore who's a good judge of men-so he says anyway. The smart alec who sent in the picture of the old cow and poor aul' Mary Bessie from the Low Road must have something better to do with his time. Anyway let ye keep them coming girls, the calibre of entrant is high at the moment.

Mike's Question.

Mike asked: Do you seriously think that people in Rural Ireland wil go to a strip tease act in their local pub?

That's a good question Mike and the answer, according to our market research, is - Yes!
The results of a questionaire we circulated show that the top five entertainments people would like to see in their local are:

5: Big Tom and The Mainliners. (after 33 years at number 1, how times have changed.)

4: A Seance. (Talking to the dead is as popular as ever.)

3: Topless Mud Wrestling. (There was a pub in a village not far away that tried to liven up the atmosphere with topless mud wrestling a few years ago, it was a massive sucess but had to be stopped because it was disturbing the game of 25 that was taking place in the corner.)

2: 25 Drive. (The old reliable, but the top prize of a turkey is under review. Suggestions are welcome. Any ideas - Please leave a comment.)

1: Strippers. (We were as surprised as anyone but that's what they want. We'll just have to wait and see how it goes. Although, I have to admit, it is hard to imagine Pat from over the bridge and old Tommy from the hill having a discussion about the price of buttermilk in 1952 while Bernie -(The Bouncer)- McGettigan is getting her kit off in front of them.