Friday, June 8, 2007

Interactive Famine Memorial

The council have paid €10,000 of good ratepayers money to that scrawny hoor from Galway Billy Bragg for the new monument below at the cross. We were all expecting something massive for that money. Sure what is it but a woman holding a bucket of rotten spuds. A feckin disgrace! The rotten spuds are real, that’s what makes it interactive according to the sculptor’s statement:
‘my famine piece is a visual and olfactory engagement with the famine.’
Mary Halpon from the apostolic works society is doing well out of it, she has the job of replacing the spuds with ‘fresh’ rotten spuds once a week. Martin Breheny is doing well out of it too, he’s getting a hape of money for growing spuds and then blighting them. It’s criminal but sure that’s farming today, they’re either paying people not to grow things or paying them to produce shite.
The spuds are proving to be great ammo for the lads coming home from the disco on Saturday nights. When the council heard about the lads and the rotten spud fights they said this was ‘a very welcome development’:
“what started out as primarily a visual and olfactory engagement with the famine has now become a tactile experience for the youth. Billy Bragg’s reputation as custodian of the avant garde in sculpting circles is safe.”
Did you ever hear such shite?