Friday, January 5, 2007

The Picture of the Fellow with the Sheep over there on the Right

Jasus Tommy, I was wondering for a long time where that picture over there on the right painted by my great great grandfather went. So it was you that had it all along. Of course you know that that's a picture of a distant uncle of yours in the red jacket. Georgie, all dressed up in his tights. He was a great man for coming around the back door was Georgie. You'd think from that picture he was one of that shower that lived above in the big house and only an aul' hovel at him warmed by the breath of his two pigs. They're not even his sheep in that painting, sure he hadn't a sheep to his name.


Anonymous said...

What were the two guards doing in the hovel breathing on him?

Anonymous said...

I came on your site by accident. Nice to see some intelligent Irish humour. My Grandmother was from Armagh and she had a good hard sense of humour. This is the nearest to it I have seen on the web.

Keep up the good work,

Jerry Blaine,


Anonymous said...

Maybe the pigs were investigating the theft of the sheep?
